Version Control System on gvSIG Desktop, advanced cartographic editing in open source software
12/2021 - Mario Carrera (Asociación gvSIG) Presented material ...
16th Int. gvSIG Conference: gvSIG Online for local administration
11/2020 - Mario Carrera. Asociación gvSIG Presented material ...
16th Int. gvSIG Conference: SMASH: digital field mapping for everyone
11/2020 - Silvia Franceschi, Andrea Antonello. HydroloGIS Presented material ...
16th Int. gvSIG Conference: Advanced editing in gvSIG Desktop
11/2020 - Mario Carrera. Asociación gvSIG Presented material ...
16th Int. gvSIG Conference: GIS for appropriate flood risk planning towards a sustainable economic development. Case study of Khartoum State, Sudan
11/2020 - Almojtaba. M.H.Hassabo, Khartoum State, Sudan Presented material ...
16th Int. gvSIG Conference: Spatial Data Infrastructure and Central Address System of Uruguay
11/2020 - Mario Carrera. Asociación gvSIG Presented material ...
4th gvSIG Festival: Analysis of extreme events with the HortonMachine tools
04/2019 - Silvia Franceschi, HydroloGIS Recording ...
4th gvSIG Festival: Geopaparazzi: state of the art of the digital field mapping application
04/2019 - Silvia Franceschi, HydroloGIS Recording ...
4th gvSIG Festival: How can I get a diverse team?
04/2019 - María Arias de Reyna, OSGeo President Recording ...
14th Int. gvSIG Conf: Mapping natural hazards in gvSIG using the HortonMachine library
10/2018 - SILVIA FRANCESCHI (HydroloGIS. Italy) Presented material: ...
14th Int. gvSIG Conf: Survey data centralization in the cloud for Geopaparazzi and gvSIG Mobile
10/2018 - SILVIA FRANCESCHI (HydroloGIS. Italia) Presented material: ...
14th Int. gvSIG Conf: The role of open data and innovation in ensuring global food security
10/2018 - SUCHITH ANAND (GODAN. United Kingdom) Presented material: ...
14th Int. gvSIG Conference: "Environmental modelling using gvSIG and the HortonMachine" workshop
10/2018 - Information and downloads ...
Emergency management and prevention with gvSIG Online
03/2018 - César Martínez. SCOLAB, gvSIG Association Video ...
gvSIG 2.4 new features
03/2018 - Mario Carrera. gvSIG Association Video ...
gvSIG Mobile: Open source GIS for field data gathering
03/2018 - Mario Carrera. gvSIG Association Video ...
Horton Machine: new geoprocesses for gvSIG
03/2018 - Silvia Franceschi, Andrea Antonello. HydroloGIS, gvSIG Association Video ...
Geostatistics with R and gvSIG
03/2018 - Óscar Martínez. gvSIG Association Video ...
gvSIG applied to archaeology
03/2018 - Agustín Díez. Universitat de València Video ...
gvSIG applied to geology and mining
03/2018 - Óscar Pueyo. Grupo de investigación Geotransfer, Universidad de Zaragoza; Carlos Revuelto. Geoscan Video ...
— 20 Items per Page