Didática de procedimentos para o uso de imagens de satélites para a Geração de uma Base de Dados Planialtimétrica em área urbana para a Gestão Municipal
10/2012 - Paulo Folle. BRASIL Material Presentado ...
Characterization of the Jequitaí River basin (Brazil) with gvSIG
12/2011 - ALBERTO RICARDO CALDERÓN (CODEVASF – Companhia de Desenvolvimento dos Vales do São Francisco e Parnaíba, BRASIL) ...
EMT website: A multimodal route calculator based on Open Source Software
12/2011 - VICENTE BUENDÍA (Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Valencia (EMT)) Presented material ...
Evaluation of basic life conditions in informal neighbourhood by GIS: The example of Maxaquene A neighbourhood in Maputo, Mozambique
12/2011 - ALEX RABELLA (UPC/Enginyeria sense fronteres(ESF)) Presented material ...
gvSIG 2.0: A new gvSIG?
12/2011 - CÉSAR ORDIÑANA (DiSiD Technologies) Presented material ...
gvSIG applied to the monitoring of protected flora in the Region of Murcia: database integration and advanced visualization
12/2011 - EDUARDO GONZÁLEZ (Creativa 3D) JESÚS ROBLES (Biocyma) Presented material ...
gvSIG applied to the operation of urban infrastructure. Urban pavements management
12/2011 - JOSEP LLUÍS SALA (Tècnicsassociats, taller d'arquitectura i enginyeria) Presented material ...
gvSIG as a Corporate Desktop GIS at the Administration
12/2011 - NACHO VARELA (Xunta de Galicia) Presented material ...
gvSIG at the Basque Country Government
12/2011 - JORGE BELLIDO (Gobierno Vasco) FRAN PEÑARRUBIA (Software Colaborativo – gvSIG Association) Presented material...
gvSIG DEF: an official distribution of gvSIG for Defense
12/2011 - MIGUEL ÁNGEL BLANCO (Ejército Argentino) Presented material ...
Settlement location in Mursiland (Ethiopia). GIS analysis of an agricultural-cattle herding group's habitat structures
12/2011 - JUAN SALAZAR (Universitat de València) AGUSTÍN DIEZ (Universitat de València) Presented material ...
Spatial Data Infrastructures and Open Source GIS to help developing countries. Case of climate change problem in Ebinat (Ethiopia)
12/2011 - SERGIO CLARK (Universidad Jaume I) Presented material ...
Time support on gvSIG
12/2011 - JORGE PIERA (Prodevelop – gvSIG Association) Presented material ...
Workshop 4: Gearscape Geoprocessing Language on gvSIG (GGL2)
12/2011 - FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ (geomati.co) Material necessary for the workshop ...
Building business applications above gvSIG: a case study with a bus network management GIS for the Algerian Transport Minister
12/2011 - OLIVIER BEDEL (Alkante) Presented material ...
Catalogue of Cultural heritage with gvSIG. Bétera City Council. Valencia
12/2011 - ANTONIO GARCÍA (Bétera City Council) Presented material ...
Collaborative model on gvSIG EIEL to create new functionalities: MapSheets
12/2011 - ALBERTO VARELA (Cartolab. ETSICCP. Universidad de Coruña) Presented material ...
CoreSIG: developing Corporate SIG applications based on gvSIG Desktop
12/2011 - DAVID TRILLO (Avansig) JOSÉ IGNACIO LAMAS (Avansig) Presented material ...
Deployment of gisEIEL application in the Insular Consell of Mallorca
12/2011 - ÀGUEDA ISERN (Consorci d'Informática Local de Mallorca) DAVID TRILLO (Avansig) Presented material ...
Gearscape Geoprocessing Language (GGL2)
12/2011 - FERNANDO GONZÁLEZ (geomati.co) Presented material ...
— 20 Items per Page